The "other" data type allows for the integration of generic event data into the Solink platform, accommodating a broad range of applications beyond the predefined retail and restaurant categories. Time is absolute and must adhere to the convention defined here.

Required Object Fields

dataTypeStringMust be set to "other" to specify which data type the current event is.
schemaVersionStringMust be set to "1" to specify which version of the schema is being used for this event (e.g. "1", "2", etc).
startTimeNumber | StringStart time of the event in either Unix time format milliseconds or ISO-8601 compliant format.
locationIdStringUnique location identifier within the customer's set of locations.
dataSourceIdStringUnique identifier of the data source generating the event.
eventUniqueIdStringUnique id which identifies the event, unique per location.
eventTypeStringDescribes the type of event.

Optional Object Fields

endTimeNumber | StringEnd time of the event in either Unix time format milliseconds or ISO-8601 compliant format.
eventDetailsStringAdditional searchable information about the event.
employeeIdStringUnique employee id to identify the employee involved in the event.
employeeNameStringThe name of the employee involved in the event.
statusStringStatus of the event.
itemsArrayList of items related to the event

Required Item Object Fields

typeStringItem type.
quantityNumberQuantity of the item, defaults to 1.
descriptionStringDescription of the item.
timeNumber | StringSpecific time for the item in either Unix time format milliseconds or ISO-8601 compliant format., defaults to event's startTime.

JSON Example

Below is an example of how the "other" data type could be structured in JSON format for submission:

  "dataType": "other",
  "schemaVersion": "1",
  "startTime": 1557943653649,
  "endTime": 1557943678649,
  "locationId": "123",
  "dataSourceId": "1",
  "eventUniqueId": "93688-START",
  "eventType": "Start Batch",
  "eventDetails": "Additional Details",
  "employeeId": "27",
  "employeeName": "MICHELLE",
  "status": "START",
  "items": [
      "type": "",
      "quantity": 1.0,
      "description": "",
      "time": 1555898203000